
Showing posts from September, 2021

Explain SEO

What is SEO? SEO is the stand form Search Engine Optimization , it means when you make a website from any category related and you want many many person are visit on my website so you do SEO and more traffic on your website and your website show on google rank. In simply, rank up your website on google first pages and more Traffic on website . Types Of SEO Manily Three Types Of SEO: White Had SEO Gray Had SEO Black Had SEO IN first, White had Seo is the you said it is the pure seo no copy content or images and we work manily ways only white had seo. IN second, Gray had seo is the sometime good or bad why? because we do sometime copy and paste then your site is the plagiarized or google not index your website. IN third, Black had SEO is the totally wrong step why? because when you do this then google block your website and doesn't show your website. White had seo is the two types: On page SEO Oof page SEO Th